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IPL Photorejuvenation




woman with arms on towel

IPL, or Photorejuvenation treatments, are used to reveal clearer, more attractive skin. Our treatment for pigment and vessel clearance is fast, easy and well-tolerated thanks to the state of the art equipment we use: the Palomar Icon System, which provides excellent outcomes and less downtime.

What is IPL / Photorejuvenation?

Photorejuvenation is an advanced treatment that helps clear undesirable pigment and vessels from your skin, revealing a clearer skin that you’ll be proud to show off. It can quickly and easily remove undesirable age spots, sun damage, and blood vessels from the face and body without surgery and with little discomfort or downtime.

Photorejuvenation is a nonsurgical approach to skin renewal that can transform your looks for the better—and it lets you return to your normal activities right away.

Photorejuvenation is FDA-cleared, so patients can take comfort in knowing they are receiving a credible treatment option for the removal of pigment and vascular lesions. For some patients, it may take just one treatment of this non-invasive procedure to reveal a younger-looking, clearer skin.

What areas and conditions can be treated with an IPL treatment?

IPL can be used for vein removal, rosacea, telangiectasias, hemangiomas, sun damage, dyschromia, melasma, poikiloderma, and angiomas on the face and other body areas, including arms, hands, and chest.

How does IPL work?

IPL or Photorejuvenation is a light-based treatment that uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) beams to deliver energy to target and destroy vascular and pigmented lesions in your skin without harming surrounding tissue. These pigmented lesions are associated with spider veins, reticular veins, rosacea, telangiectasias, hemangiomas, sun damage, age spots, dyschromia, melasma, poikiloderma, and angiomas from hands, legs, chest, arms, and face.

The light pulses destroy the vessels and pigmentation responsible for these lesions, leaving you with clearer, younger-looking skin.

Using the principle of selective photothermolysis, these treatments target different chromophores in the skin, which selectively absorb the energy as heat and yield the desired response. These optimal wavelengths of light clear vascular and pigmented lesions by targeting the chromophores of hemoglobin (for vascular lesions) and melanin (for pigmented lesions). The damaged lesions are then cleared by the body, removing the appearance of the lesion from the skin. Pigmented lesions undergo a mild desquamation and slough off within two or three days, while the vascular lesions blanch and then resolve within 10 to 14 days.

What is an IPL / Photorejuvenation treatment like?

IPL / Photorejuvenation is a practical and highly efficient treatment for the treatment of unwanted pigment and vessels that are quick, non-surgical, and requires little to no downtime.

During the procedure, you feel little to no discomfort, and your skin can look and feel better than ever.

What conditions can be treated with IPL?

Pigmented and vascular lesions are telltale signs of aging skin. An IPL / Photorejuvenation treatment can improve:

  • Sunspots
  • Age Spots
  • Rosacea
  • Spider veins
  • Capillaries
  • Vascular Lesions
  • And more!

What are the benefits of an IPL treatment?

IPL / Photorejuvenation is the simple choice for clearer, younger-looking skin. It provides:

  • Fast and easy treatment
  • Excellent aesthetic results. Results as good as or better than single wavelength lasers
  • Little to no downtime. You can usually return to activities immediately
  • Minimal discomfort during treatment
  • Minimal risk of scarring or infection
  • Effective on a wide variety of skin types
  • Can treat a wide range of body areas: face, neck, chest, hands, arms & legs

Videos – Before and After an IPL Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions about IPL / Photorejuvenation treatments

Q: What is optimized light™ photorejuvenation?

A: It is a cosmetic treatment that uses gentle pulses of intense, optimized light to treat undesirable pigment and vessels which can occur as a result of aging and lifestyle choices.

Q: What types of results can I expect?

A: You can expect to see a decrease in the appearance of skin pigment and vessels for a more even skin tone.

Q: How does it work?

A: coPhotorejuvenation uses an optimized light device to deliver energy into your skin, targeting vascular and pigmented lesions, which slowly disappear as your body’s natural healing process progresses.

Q: How long does a treatment take?

A: The photorejuvenation procedure can be performed in as little as 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

Q: How many treatments will I need?

A: You can see some improvement immediately. Only one or two treatments may be needed. Depending on the severity of your condition, several treatments may be necessary to achieve your best results.

Q: Does it hurt?

A: Most people feel little to no discomfort during the procedure.

Q: How quickly will I recover?

A: You can resume regular daily activities right away and start to see some improvement immediately.

Q: What can I expect following the treatment?

A: Typically, most people experience a mild, sunburn-like sensation, possibly accompanied by some minor swelling, immediately following the treatment. This usually lasts 2-24 hours. During your appointment, we can discuss other possible side effects and the necessary post-treatment care based on your condition.

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